A Verneigung for Bob Dylan

“Something is happening here, but you don’t know what it is.”

So it’s about the Eltern at the guilty plea in Hibbing 1959, the guests at Cafe Wha? 1961, the Besucher:innen des Newport Folkfestivals 1965 en fell, the musical phenomenon Bob Dylan lived to experience.

Antonia Lunemann and Daniel Holzberg are engaged in a kaleidoscopic journey of the end: songs, lyrics, prophetic texts, anecdotes and music with an iconic art, which captivates fans so often that they have their own unique hat.

“Don’t Think Twice” was one of Dylan’s most popular music songs in the backdrop of rock ‘n’ roll to his status as one of the most likely songwriters in recent times. One of the most important fragments: Welchen Einfluss hatte er jehren auf die Musik der 60er, was bedeutete there fell Menschen aus dieser Ära and welche Bedeutung wurde ihm auferlegt – Sprachrohr einer Generation, Prophet, Bedrohung für die Gesellschaft, Biobauer ?

All Bob Dylan’s “Wahreiten” became one of the most diverse perspectives and winning Oscar and literary awards that the sagenum music player won on the price of an unsatisfactory success.

Like Antonias and Daniels, Greifbar loves Dylan’s blurred lyrics and unique songs, but it is not the case that copying is possible, there is a required relationship with the multiple divisions of the music business.

Insgesamt 20 Songs (over 800 possible!) play both on guitar, bass, keyboard, cajon and schlagzeug; and on the world harmonica the world with the dylanesker-desillusionierung fulljammern and sich dabei ebenfalls for seinen Vorbildern, Wegbegleiter:innen and Kritiker:innen, Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, Allen Ginsberg, Mr. Jones and the natural Woody Guthrie, verge.

From and with Daniel Holzberg and Antonia Lunemann

Musical Beratung Andreas Lenz von Ungern-Sternberg

€20 | €25
ermäßigt € 15 | €20
junior price € 10 | € 15 (for Schüler:innen, Studierende, FSJler:innen and Auszubildende bis zum 27. Lebensjahr)

Production and sales: Metropoltheater München gGmbH

Sitemap of inmzwadevu.csgobum.ru

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